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Accelerate the Entire Sales Cycle with a Smarter Tech Investment

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Track & Convert Website Visitors

Get 360 degrees of customer data with The Marketing Manager’s lead generation CRM & built-in business directory.

Generate Better Leads.
Personalize Customer Journey.
Nurture More Leads.

Build a 360-degree view of your customers & competition.

All Your Marketing Automation + CRM + Project Management in One Unified Platform

Uncovers other decision-makers

Validates & scrubs email addresses

Measures marketing ROI from click to closing

Alerts you when a hot lead browses your website

Reveal the Face of Your Next Buyer

The Marketing Manager tracks every sales & marketing interaction throughout the entire purchase cycle.

Integrates with Zapier & other apps you love

*By providing your email address, you may hear from us occasionally about special news updates and exclusive event invites. Your personal information will not be shared with any third parties and you can opt out anytime.

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